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Hip to Trunk Displacement drill

Wires needed for these drill are 2 single light wires.  These lights are connected to The Light Attack 4 box.  Lights can either be placed on the 2 tripods, or placed on the ground. Light rhythm should be placed at 1 second. 


This movement we are training athletes to open up their upper torso while keeping the hips and lower extremities forward.  This drill consists of 3 drills.  All drills concurrently start with the athlete running 1-50% sprint, 1-75% sprint and 2-100% sprints. 

2 light 8ft by 10 yds.jpg

The first movement the players start about 15 yards away from the lights.  The athlete’s hips and shoulders stay pointed at the lights.  The athlete is to rotate their head only for the first 4 reps towards the lights.  Every time the lights change, the athlete is to rotate their head to the lights.  Do this for the 4 reps mentioned above.

2 light 8ft by 10 yds.jpg

The second movement, the players start about 15 yards away from the lights.  The athlete’s hips and head remain pointed to the lights and their shoulders and chest are to rotate to the lights.  This is an awkward for the athletes the first couple times thru this drill.  The Athlete will change the direction of their shoulders every time the lights change.  Do this drill 4 times as mentioned above.  **Coaching tip – to help the athlete keep their head forward, have their focus on a fixed point directly in front of them.  As the coach, keep reminding the athlete to focus on the spot to keep their head pointed forward.

2 light 8ft by 10 yds.jpg

The third movement is where the athlete puts these movements together.  The athlete is to start about 15 yards away from the light.  This time thru the lights, the hips stay forward and the chest and head move to the lights.  In these reps thru the lights, the athletes only make one torsional movement.  Once the athlete starts running, the next light to light up is the direction the athletes open up their trunk.  Once the trunk shoulder and head are open, the athlete accelerates thru the lights.

2 light 8ft by 10 yds away.jpg

This drill we are looking for the athletes to keep their head, shoulders and chest to remain facing the lights.  As the player backpedals, they are to open their hips to the direction of the lights. This drill can either have the athletes turning and running, or shuffle their feet in the backwards direction.  Coaching point, if the athletes are struggling to keep their shoulders facing forward, have them put their hands out in front of them, palms facing the lights and keep palms facing forward the whole rep

Light Directional Training

(these drills can use 4 or 6 light systems)

3 light in from sides.jpg

For these drills have the athletes start on one side.  Perform the drill 5 times from each side of the lights.  The athletes are to shuffle sideways to the middle of the lights.  Once the athletes reach the middle of the lights the coach should clap.  When the athlete hears the clap, the athlete needs to change direction and run thru the light that is lit.

3 light in from sides.jpg

For these drills have the athletes start on one side.  Perform the drill 5 times from each side of the lights.  The athletes are to sprint forwar to the middle of the lights.  Once the athletes reach the middle of the lights the coach should clap.  When the athlete hears the clap, the athlete needs to change direction and run thru the light that is lit.

4 light zigzag in and out to light chang

Every time the lights change, the athlete changes their direction towards and away from the lights.  Also, the athletes are to move laterally to which light is lit.  These movements are to be forward and backwards of no more than 5 yards.  Light speed will vary based on the athletes ability to move 10' at an angle before lights change.

3 light in and out.jpg

Athlete will start facing the lights less than 10 feet in front of the lights.  As the lights change the athlete will shuffle back and forth between the lights

4 light shuffle in front of lights and k

Athlete will start facing the lights less than 10 feet in front of the lights.  As the lights change the athlete will shuffle back and forth between the lights

4 light shuffle in front of lights and k

Athlete will start facing the lights less than 10 feet in front of the lights.  As the lights change the athlete will shuffle back and forth between the lights


Vertical running with change of direction

2 light 8ft by 10 yds zigzag toward ligh

The athletes start 20-30 yards away from the lights and run towards lights.  As the lights change, although still moving forward, the angle of the sprint will change.  This will force the athletes to be able to find their sweet spot between being fast and agile.

2 light 8ft by 10 yds zigzag away.jpg

The athletes will start facing the lights about a yard in front of the lights.  The athlete will start to backpedal.  As the lights change the athlete will veer different directions based on which light is lit.  The lateral movements can vary to staying close to a centerline or veer at more of a 45 degree angle.  This drill can also be performed with a turn and sprint or a shuffle. 

4 light backpedal or sprint away from li

The athletes will start facing the lights about a yard in front of the lights.  The athlete will start to backpedal.  As the lights change the athlete will veer different directions based on which light is lit.  The lateral movements can vary to staying close to a centerline or veer at more of a 45 degree angle.  This drill can also be performed with a turn and sprint or a shuffle. 

4 light backpedal or sprint away from li

The athletes will start facing away the lights about a yard in front of the lights.  The athlete will start to sprint.  As the lights change the athlete will veer different directions based on which light is lit.  The athlete will be looking over their shoulder to see the change of light 

4 light backpedal or sprint away from li

The athletes will start facing the lights about a yard in front of the lights.  The athlete will start to backpedal.  As the lights change the athlete will veer different directions based on which light is lit.  The lateral movements can vary to staying close to a centerline or veer at more of a 10-20 degree angle.  This drill can also be performed with a turn and sprint or a shuffle. 

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